
Growing plant

Organics recycling is the separation of all food scrap and organic material, inclusive of green waste, from your general waste. This enables the extraction of biogas, and the material can then be recovered to create renewable energy and fully recycled into compost, mulch, soil and liquid fertiliser.

What is Veolia’s offering?

Veolia offers collection, transfer and disposal services for this stream, and the details around which equipment would be best suited to your needs can be found here.

Veolia advises all clients to undergo a site waste assessment prior to their selection of equipment and schedules to receive best value for our services.

Why should you separate organics?

Today, organics generally make up anywhere from 50-70 per cent of a western society’s general waste.  By recycling this stream, clients can benefit from the following:

  • Cost savings
  • Landfill diversion of recyclable materials
  • Reduced carbon footprint.


Where do your organics go?

Veolia has invested significant funds in facilities such as Earthpower and Bulla to recycle this stream in mass amounts and turn the biogas into renewable energy.  We have even launched our own compost product, Vital by Veolia, to help farmers and gardeners become more sustainable in their operations.

Learn more about how we recycle your organics and turn the biogas into renewable energy by visiting our treatment plants page today, or click on the case studies below.

Food Waste

Food waste refers to both solid and liquid nutrients we drink and eat such as fruit and vegetables, meat and fish, pastries, delicatessen, dairy, confectionery and grocery.


Why choose Veolia for your food waste management?

Veolia is currently the leading processor of waste food organics in the metropolitan Sydney and Melbourne markets, through our facilities, Earthpower in Sydney and Dandenong NRS in Melbourne.  NRS, short for in-vessel composting, is the biological degradation of organic wastes within an enclosed, controlled and monitored aerobic environment.

The facilities we operate produce both renewable energy and compost through its efficient processes and in Victoria, Dandenong NRS is the only metropolitan facility licensed by the EPA to process food waste and has been successfully converting food and garden organic wastes into soil improvement products since 2000.

Want to know more about where your food waste goes?

Learn more about how food waste can be recycled by visiting our treatment plants page today.

Coffee Grounds

When separated from other organic waste streams, coffee grounds can be recycled into creating high-quality compost and reused as a source of fuel for renewable energy plants.  


Why should you separate coffee grounds from your general waste?

Locally, we accept coffee grounds at all of our organics recycling facilities such as Earthpower in Sydney and Dandenong NRS in Melbourne and utilise our existing recycling partnerships to ensure our clients can divert this stream from landfill.

What are some of Veolia’s innovations for used coffee grounds?

Globally, specifically in the Netherlands for a client called Douwe Egberts Master Blenders (DEMB), Veolia developed a solution where we can reuse their previously wasted coffee grounds to produce steam, thus reducing their consumption of natural gas.  

As a company that produces instant coffee and liquid concentrated coffees using vast quantities of steam, they benefited greatly from being able to use their wasted coffee grounds as a source of fuel to power their biomass boiler, fit with a drying and combustion system.

Designed to support the increasing production of the site, this biomass boiler now consumes 33,000 tonnes of spent coffee grounds per year. Since implementation, the site has reduced its natural gas consumption significantly, leading to a 70% reduction in its CO2 emissions, the equivalent to 14,000 tonnes of CO2 per year.

Want to learn more about how your coffee grounds can add to the circular economy?

Learn more about how your coffee grounds can be recycled by visiting our treatments page.

Green Waste

Green waste refers to streams such as bush trimmings, lawn clippings, garden waste and neglected indoor plants, which can be converted into compost for horticultural reuse.


Why choose Veolia for your green waste management?

Specifically for municipalities, Veolia has extensive experience in helping different councils transition into adopting a green waste collections program and has successfully implemented this in areas such as Hobart in Tasmania through careful planning and resident education.

In addition, to help 11 metro Melbourne councils divert this stream from landfill, Veolia designed and constructed a new organic green waste facility at Bulla, about 30 kilometres from the city.  This facility uses state-of-the-art Australian technology to turn 85,000 tonnes of green waste into high-grade compost for agriculture every year, now known as Vital by Veolia.

Want to know more about where your green waste goes and how you can contribute to the circular economy?

Learn more about how your green waste can be recycled by visiting our Bulla page as well as our Vitagro page, if you are interested in being a part of the green waste circular economy.