Supporting the Communities Where we Operate
The Veolia Mulwaree Trust manages and distributes funds to not-for-profit community groups and organisations for the benefit of the former Mulwaree Shire Council area, as well as its immediate surrounds. Veolia’s Woodlawn Eco-Precinct, previously a copper, lead and zinc open cut mine, is now the location of a Mechanical and Biological Treatment (MBT) facility and Bioreactor, with the surrounding 6000 hectares used for aquaculture, horticulture, wind farming and other renewable technologies.
In partnership with the Veolia Mulwaree Trust, we are able to give back to the communities we operate in. Through the Trust, Veolia has supported local schools and preschools, sporting facilities, parks and playgrounds, emergency services, charities and community service organisations. The Trust also supports a range of academic and creative arts scholarships annually. Since 2005, the Veolia Mulwaree Trust has distributed over $14 million to more than 1,800 community projects, and academic and arts scholarships.