Woodlawn MBT, NSW

Waste that's no longer wasted

Instead of sending household waste to landfill, a number of Councils in Sydney – seeking a long term secure and reliable alternative waste technology solution that maximises resource recovery – send their residual waste for processing at Veolia’s new Mechanical and Biological Treatment (MBT) facility.

The MBT process is designed to maximise the recovery of the organic content of household waste, and is the latest addition to Veolia’s Woodlawn site, located 250km south of Sydney.

The MBT comprises of a purpose-built plant that incorporates the knowledge and technology that Veolia has gained operating similar facilities in Europe for over 30 years. It is designed to separate organics from mixed household waste to produce compost which will be used to rehabilitate the former mine site. By redirecting and repurposing waste at the MBT facility, Veolia will significantly lower the amount of waste that is currently being sent to landfill from Sydney.

Stage 1 of MBT facility is capable of processing up to 144,000 tonnes of waste per annum. This waste is transported by rail from Sydney to the Crisps Creek Intermodal facility and then transferred by road to the Woodlawn MBT facility. Based on waste audit data, it is expected that approximately 50-60% of the waste received will be diverted from landfill. After the organic material is recovered and converted into compost, remaining waste is delivered to the bioreactor for further energy recovery. 



Advanced machinery seperates organic material from mixed household waste

Can process up to 144,000 tonnes of waste per annum

Predicted to divert 50-60% of received waste from landfill