Industry Partnerships

At Veolia, we pride ourselves on having strong partnerships with both the industries we work in, and those we work with. As part of our daily operations we ensure important environmental monitoring data is publicly available on our website. This transparency is important when dealing with relevant external parties in relation to Veolia activities and processes.

Veolia has a responsibility to ensure that we, as a company, are minimising the impact our operations and activities have on the environment. Reporting environmental data, and the impact that we might have on the environment and community, is central to our license to operate.

As a requirement stipulated by various Federal and State Governments, as well as leading industry organisations, Veolia has implemented a number of systems and processes to ensure that our operations and activities across waste management, water solutions and energy services, comply with current legislation and local regulations.

Our goal is to provide comprehensive, high-value-added solutions that balance growth and environmental protection, solutions that manage water sustainably, turn waste into a resource, and develop cleaner, more efficient energy systems.

View our Environmental Policy here.


Government Participation

Veolia subscribes to Federal, State and industry environmental reporting, such as:

Australian Packaging Covenant
The Australian Packaging Covenant (APCO) is the voluntary component of a co-regulatory arrangement for the management of environmental impacts of consumer packaging in Australia.

The Covenant is a commitment by industry and government for the sustainable design, use and recovery of packaging. It is Australia’s way of managing the impacts of packaging and offers a highly efficient and collaborative solution.

Veolia is a willing signatory to the Covenant. Click to view the latest APCO Action Plan, detailing how Veolia will fulfil its responsibilities under the Covenant; or click to view Veolia’s annual APCO Report for 2015.

Click if you would like to learn more about Sustainable Packaging and how it may benefit your business.

Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Monitoring Data
Veolia within New South Wales adheres to the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (POEO Act), an environmental regulatory framework that includes licensing required for particular activities.

These protection licenses are produced in accordance with the NSW State Government, and are a ‘central means to control the localised, cumulative and acute impacts of pollution in NSW’. Holders, like Veolia, must publish and/or make pollution monitoring data and other activities available to members of the public.

Click to view Veolia’s most recent environmental monitoring reports within NSW.

NSW Pollution Incident Response Management Manual

Pollution Incident Response Management Plan
The NSW Pollution Incident Response Management Manual (the PIRM Manual) has been prepared by Veolia Australia and New Zealand (Veolia) to disseminate how Veolia deploys pollution incidents response and communicates with workers and other stakeholders (including relevant authorities and the public) who may be affected by the impacts of a pollution incident. This document also provides guidance on the information required to be published by Veolia

The PIRM Manual provides an overarching framework for NSW sites to augment their site specific incident/emergency documentation. Furthermore, the Protection of the Environment Legislation Amendment Act 2011 (POELA Act), requires holders of an Environment Protection Licence (EPLs) to prepare and implement a Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP). 

Under Part5.7A of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (POEO Act) and the Protection of the Environment Operations (General) Regulation 2009 (POEO General Regulation), the specific requirements for preparing, keeping, testing and implementing a PIRMP, for Veolia NSW facilities with EPLs, are covered by site specific incident and emergency response documentation, which incorporate the PIRMP. These provide guidance for minimising and controlling the risk of a pollution incident, through the appropriate identification of hazards and development of controls to mitigate these and assign responsibility for its suitable implementation.

Tyre Stewardship Australia (TSA)
Veolia have become members of Tyre Stewardship Australia to commit our expertise to the safe and environmentally sustainable recovery and treatment of discarded tyres.