
Press Releases
Kwinana Energy Recovery will deliver critical waste management infrastructure to WA.
Press Releases
When it comes to Australians taking action to fight climate change and achieving a sustainable future, actions ― especially when they are close to home ― speak louder than words.
Press Releases
Veolia ANZ proposes an amendment which will enhance the management of APCr using a new process to stabilise and treat the ash for disposal in Woodlawn Bioreactor landfill.
Press Releases
Public ownership of assets remains crucial but incentives need to be created for more private involvement to affordably develop New Zealand’s water infrastructure.
Press Releases
A new contract will see the Veolia ANZ / ResourceCo partnership deliver more than one million tonnes of sustainable Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) from its Adelaide facility to replace natural gas at Adbri Cement’s Birkenhead plant.
Press Releases
Results of a survey commissioned by Veolia and organised by waste category across Australia found that less than half of participants knew how to dispose of old hand tools, biodegradable plastic bags, and ― right at the bottom ― dead animals.