Veolia Energy Complaints & Dispute Resolution

  1. What is this document? 
    1. Everybody has the right to lodge a complaint. We are committed to promptly acknowledging, assessing, and resolving complaints in an impartial and unbiased manner. This document sets out our procedures for accepting, recording, and resolving complaints.
    2. Through this document, we make the commitment to addressing issues raised within a reasonable timeframe, adopting a people-focused and proactive approach, and to continual quality improvement. We will review complaints on an ongoing basis to identify any potential non-compliance and areas for improvement. We aim to minimise the possibility of complaints escalating into ongoing disputes.
  2. What is a complaint?
    1. A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to or about an organisation, related to its products, services, staff, or the handling of a complaint, where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected or legally required. Where it is not clear if feedback or a general concern is intended to be handled as a complaint, where appropriate, we will seek clarification.
    2. Complaints may be lodged without contact information, and where it appears that the complainant wants to remain anonymous we will, to the extent reasonably practicable, not request the complainant’s active involvement in the management of the complaint.
    3. We will consider all complaints as opportunities to improve, and they will be freely received by telephone, in writing (for example, letter, email, facsimile), or in person.
    4. Complaints may be raised in relation to (amongst other areas), any:
      • Failure by us to observe our published or agreed practices or procedures;
      • Failure in respect of a product or service offered or provided by us or our representatives;
      • Instance where you involve or seek information about a third party, such as the jurisdictional energy ombudsman or a Member of the Parliament; or
      • Occurrence where a complaint is directed to us on your behalf by an energy ombudsman.
    5. Our organisation takes a proactive stance on managing complaints efficiently and professionally. We ensure that our approach to handling complaints is thorough and fair, rooted in a culture of prompt and unbiased resolution.
    6. We commit to:
      • Actively support the handling of complaints at all levels of leadership;
      • Establish clear policies and procedures for managing complaints effectively;
      • Hold our management accountable for creating a welcoming environment for feedback and complaints;
      • Allocate the necessary resources, including training and support, for our staff to manage complaints effectively; and
      • Provide assistance to those who may find it difficult to navigate the complaint process.
  3. What do we commit to do?
    1. In all instances, we will: 
      • Treat you with respect;
      • Take your complaint seriously;
      • Respect your privacy;
      • Manage your complaint with impartiality;
      • Properly investigate and report on your complaint;
      • Resolve your complaint with proper consideration to facts;
      • Provide the option of internal escalation or a referral to an energy ombudsman scheme when requested or appropriate; and
      • Ensure equal access to our complaints management program and fair resolutions.
    2. You have rights under various laws, including the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), and the Energy Law. We will ensure that those rights are respected.
  4. How will we manage complaints?
    1. We will follow the guiding principles contained in AS/ISO 10002-2022 (Guidelines for Complaints Handling in Organisations).
    2. Once a complaint has been received, one of our personnel will acknowledge the complaint and prioritise it for resolution. We will respond and acknowledge receipt of each complaint within three (3) business days. However, higher priority will be given to those complaints where there is perceived financial hardship, the disconnection of energy supply, and matters relating to health and safety. In such instances, we will respond as soon as possible.
    3. Complaints are recorded in our customer management system as soon as they are received. Complaints and all relevant information will be recorded, and a unique identifier will be provided. Each recording will include:
      • Your requested resolution
      • The date of your complaint
      • A description of your complaint
      • The expected date for a response or resolution
      • The established priority of your complaint
    4. More than one complaint can be made per customer/call. For example, if a customer makes a billing complaint and then makes a marketing complaint during the same call, two complaints will be recorded. Each individual customer contact with a complaint will be recorded and categorised as one, irrespective of the number of times a caller has contacted us on an issue.
    5. Complaints will be tracked from the time they are received to their resolution. When tracking the resolution of complaints, we will make sure to meet response deadlines. We will keep you informed and updated regularly throughout the process.
    6. We are committed to resolving all complaints effectively and promptly. Tailored solutions will be offered for each case, ensuring they fit the specific issues raised.
    7. Keeping the complainant informed is crucial, especially if there are delays. Communication should be comprehensive, focusing on our organisation's actions and their impact on the complainant. If a complaint involves a staff member, we'll handle the information sensitively, respecting privacy. While resolving the complaint, we'll communicate:
      • What we did in response to the complaint
      • The outcome of our response
      • Why we made certain decisions
      • Any offered solutions or next steps
      • Other options the complainant might pursue, like internal or external review
    8. When closing a complaint, we'll document:
      • Actions taken to resolve the issue
      • The final outcome
      • Any further steps we need to take
    9. We'll make sure that any changes we've agreed upon are put into action and tracked. The complaints manager or a senior team member will oversee this.
    10. In all instances, we will:
      • Freely accept complaints lodged on our website, in person, or by telephone, facsimile, email, or letter;
      • Acknowledge any complaint received as soon as possible and generally no later than three (3) business days of receipt;
      • Confirm the next steps including the complaint process, expected timeframes, your involvement, and the possible or likely outcomes of the complaint, where practicable;
      • Begin an investigation into the reasons for a complaint within 24 hours of acknowledgement;
      • Keep you updated about the investigation and any proposed resolution;
      • Notify you as soon as possible of the outcome of our investigation and any proposed resolution; and
      • Provide you with the option of an internal review of your complaint if you are unsatisfied with the outcome of the investigation or the proposed resolution.
  5. Internal & external escalation
    1. There are three levels of escalation of complaints. First, most complaints will be managed by front line staff. At any time, you may request an internal escalation of your complaint, which will be granted. Complaints will also be escalated where they are complex, urgent, or sensitive. When your complaint is received, you will be informed that you have the right to escalate it if you are dissatisfied with the process. Individual staff who manage complaints will be required to review the complexity, urgency, and sensitivity of all complaints and seek assistance from a supervisor or specialist where required.
    2. If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint or you wish to seek independent advice about a complaint, we will notify you that you can contact the energy ombudsman in your state.
    3. We will provide the contact details for the energy ombudsman schemes and will assist you in lodging a complaint with them.
  6. Responsibilities
    1. All of our staff must comply with this procedure as well as the Retail Law, Retail Rules, and any Guidelines or Procedures published by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER), Essential Services Commission (ESC), or the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO).
    2. Complaints can be made to any Veolia Energy employee or contractor. That employee or contractor is then required to report any complaints received to the Customer Service Manager.
    3. We will ensure that complaint management is not hindered by a lack of resources. We will also ensure that adequate programs are in place to train staff in complaint resolution and the implementation of this procedure.
    4. Top-level management of Veolia Energy is responsible for:
      • Establishing the complaints management program;
      • Establishing and implementing the process of complaints management;
      • Allocating resources to ensure compliance with obligations under applicable laws and this procedure;
      • Promoting and advocating a customer-centric approach to complaint resolution;
      • Reporting to the Board on the management of complaints, including the number and nature of complaints received;
      • Continually reviewing the effectiveness of the complaints management program, including the program's processes; and
      • Establishing an adequate training program to ensure all relevant staff, agents, contractors, and other representatives comply with this procedure.
  7. Monitoring & improving
    1. Complaints will be tracked at individual and group levels. Any systemic issues that are identified will be brought to the attention of the Compliance Committee and Board during their monthly meetings.
    2. Veolia Energy’s Compliance Committee will direct top-level management to address systemic issues that are identified during a complaint process.
  8. Promoting our complaints management program
    1. We will publish this Standard Complaints and Dispute Resolution Procedure on our website, and it will be actively brought to the attention of customers.
    2. We are committed to promoting and ensuring the visibility of our complaints management program. To achieve this, we will:
      • Make this procedure available free of charge;
      • Arrange for an interpreter to explain the procedures and facilitate the resolution of complaints;
      • Make special arrangements for people with disabilities, ensuring that they and their advocates have access to this procedure and are aided in the resolution of their complaint. This document will be provided in large print, braille, or audiotape on request; and
      • Ensure that all relevant staff members are trained to resolve complaints and have access to resources for cross-cultural communication and communication with customers with special needs.
  9. Customer read estimates
    1. If you are a “small customer” with an accumulation meter, you have the right to conduct your own meter reading if your bill is based on an estimate. This self-read is known as a “customer read estimate.” You can find more information on customer read estimates at:
    2. Where we have not accepted a customer read estimate, we will notify you of the reasons for the decision and allow the opportunity to rectify the self-read.
    3. We will deal with complaints regarding customer read estimates in accordance with our standard complaints process, which is outlined in this procedure.
  10. Contact us to lodge a complaint
    1. You may contact us at any time to lodge a complaint using the following contact details:

      Post: Level 4, 65 Pirrama Rd Pyrmont NSW 2009
      Phone: 07 3212 6641
      Email: [email protected] 
      Interpreter: 131 450 - For help using an interpreter, visit
      National Relay Service: 133 677 - For help using NRS, visit
  11. Contact details for the energy ombudsman schemes
    1. If you are not satisfied with our response or investigation into a complaint, you may contact the energy ombudsman in your state. Contact details can be found below.

      Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW
      Phone: 1800 246 545
      Fax: 1800 812 291
      Email: [email protected] 
      Post: PO Box 1343, Haymarket NSW 1240

      Energy & Water Ombudsman Queensland
      Phone: 1800 662 837
      Fax: (07) 3006 2670
      Email: [email protected] or [email protected] 

      ACT Civil & Administrative Tribunal
      Phone: (02) 6207 7743
      Fax: (02) 6207 7739
      Email: [email protected] 
      Post: PO Box 578 Civic Square ACT 2608

      Energy & Water Ombudsman South Australia
      Phone: 1800 665 565
      Post: GPO Box 2947 Adelaide SA 5001

      Energy & Water Ombudsman Victoria
      Phone: 1800 500 509
      Email: [email protected] 
      Post: Reply Paid 469 Melbourne VIC 8060

      Energy Ombudsman Tasmania
      Phone: 1800 001 170
      Fax: (03) 6173 0231
      Email: [email protected] 
      Post: GPO Box 960 Hobart TAS 7001
      In person: NAB House, Level 6, 86 Collins St Hobart TAS