Veolia at the Formula 1 Grand Prix

Veolia at the Melbourne Formula 1 Grand Prix

Veolia's Events team, in partnership with EventCorp, prides itself on bringing a sustainable approach to some of the biggest events around Australia such as the Melbourne Australian Grand Prix and the Melbourne Cup.

Waste Streams

Waste Streams

Throughout the Grand Prix, you will see up to three different waste streams, depicted by three different coloured bins. Just like you do at home, you will need to separate your waste into three streams to ensure that as much as possible can get recycled!

  • The Yellow Bin is for recyclables, specifically for plastic bottles, aluminium cans and plastic drinking cups. The contents of the recycling bin are checked for contamination by our super team of sorters, before being taken to VISY in XXX to be further sorted into single commodity streams which can then be sold for processing back into recycled material
  • The Burgundy Bin is for food waste, hopefully, you don’t have too much of this as the food available at the Grand Prix is delicious! However, if you do have any food leftovers, please remove from the packaging and place them into this bin! The burgundy bins are transported to Veolia’s composting facility in Dandenong, where it is mixed with council green waste and other commercial food waste to achieve the perfect blend of carbon and nitrogen-rich material. It then undergoes in-vessel composting which takes approximately 10 days, after which the compost is sold to local farmers and communities for land rehabilitation. 
  • The Red Bin is for General Waste, which includes soft plastic bags and wrappers, food packaging and disposable serveware such as coffee cups, cutlery and food trays. Whilst we should all try to minimise the amount of waste we produce, there is still a place in our waste system for General Waste. It is super important that you place all residual waste (or any items you are not sure about) into the red bin, as it ensures that the recycling and food bins are free from contamination! 

Onsite Sorting

Whilst we trust you to put your waste in the right bins, we do have a super team of sorters helping out behind the scenes just in case something ends up in the wrong bin! This is due to the recent changes in global waste and recycling which mean that we cannot have any contamination in our bins if they are to be recycled. Please help these guys and girls out by putting your waste into the correct bins, or if you’re unsure about which bin to choose, put it into General Waste!

Sustainability Champions

Keep your eyes open for our team of Sustainability Champions during your time at the Grand Prix. We understand that waste and recycling can be confusing, but our Sustainability Champions are here to help! The team is made up of Veolia employees from across the country who are passionate and knowledgeable about all things sustainability, so if you have any questions, make sure you seek them out! 


Innovation and Technology Hub

F1 Innovation & Tech Hub

The waste and recycling industry is rapidly changing. Here at Veolia, we are continually innovating and upgrading our practices and technology so that we continue to meet and exceed the expectations of our industry! Make sure you visit us in the Innovation and Technology hub to see some of the latest upgrades to our fleet of trucks and experience other innovations we are bringing to the industry!


Brabham Area

Whilst waste is traditionally something that is kept out of the public eye, In 2020 you can experience the future of waste and recycling right here at the Grand Prix in the Brabham area. We have brought two of our best practice on-site waste processing technologies into the public eye! The ORCA unit, which mimics the digestion system of the human stomach to process food waste onsite within 24 hours, and The bottle cycler which crushes glass bottles which hugely reduces its volume, and hence the need for handling and truck movements!! It’s an exciting time for the waste industry and we are proud to showcase some of the latest advancements right here at the Grand Prix!