Frequently asked questions

Top questions about the Woodlawn Advanced Energy Recovery Centre 

Our FAQ's are regularly updated to include the questions we receive from the community. If there is something you'd like to know that is not covered in the below, please get in touch with us. 

Energy from waste

What is ‘energy from waste’?

Creating energy from waste, also known as ‘energy recovery’, is the process of converting the residual waste that cannot be recycled into sources of energy such as heat, fuel, and electricity.


How are non-recyclable materials converted into sources of energy?

Energy recovery from waste works similarly to conventional coal or gas combustion, where the resulting steam is used to run a turbine to produce electricity. Instead of using fossil fuels, energy from waste technology has been adapted to use non-recyclable waste materials. Three tonnes of waste replaces one tonne of coal and is 50% biomass, delivering a low-carbon energy alternative, whilst reducing the need for landfill. Veolia has the global expertise to safely deliver this technology.
It works by:

  1. Waste is dried and combusted in a controlled air flow environment at more than 850°C
  2. This high intensity combustion generates heat which produces steam
  3. The steam drives a turbine to generate electricity for export to the local power grid


Who else is using this technology?

Energy from waste technology is being used safely in many countries around the world, with over 450 facilities operating in Europe alone. Veolia owns and operates more than 65 energy recovery facilities globally, and has also been chosen to operate Australia’s first two facilities: Kwinana and East Rockingham, both of which are currently under construction in Western Australia.


Does energy recovery deter people from recycling?

While energy recovery plays an important role in capturing value from non-recyclable items, it should not be thought of as an alternative to material reuse and recycling. It is important that people understand that where we cannot first avoid generating waste, we should always recover whatever we can through reuse and recycling, followed by energy recovery.
When we look at evidence from other countries around the world, those who use energy recovery as part of an integrated waste management system maintain very high recycling rates. For example, in 2017 Switzerland recycled 53% of its waste and recovered energy from 47%. 

The below graph demonstrates that there is a strong positive relationship between Energy from Waste and recycling. This means there is a correlation between the integration of Energy from Waste into a country's waste management system and higher recycling rates. 


How does energy recovery differ from incineration?

There is a big difference between incineration and an energy recovery facility. Incineration is the process of burning waste without controls, whereas an energy recovery facility is a state of the art facility in which the residual waste is combusted and then maximises that process in a highly controlled environment. An additional element is the recovery of energy through the combustion process, in addition to the flue gas process which is critical to answer the question of how we are different to an incinerator.


Why is energy recovery an important solution for non-recyclable waste?

Waste that cannot be recycled can be turned into a valuable resource, like energy for local homes, when it is recovered properly. Recovering energy from non-recyclable residual waste is currently the most sustainable way to manage non-recyclable material.
If you look at the waste hierarchy, you can see that after first avoiding waste, reusing it, and then recycling it, the recovery of energy should be utilised next as a preferred treatment option. Landfilling (or ‘disposal’) of waste is the least preferred waste management option because it doesn’t allow for the recovery of materials.


Where can I find independent research on the effects of energy recovery?

If you'd like to read further about Energy from Waste, please have a look at the studies linked below:

  1. The Impact on Health of Emissions to Air from Municipal Waste Incinerators
  2. Scientific Truth About Waste-to-Energy
  3. On Municipal Waste Incineration
  4. Fetal Growth, Stillbirth, Infant Mortality and Other Birth Outcomes Near UK Municipal Waste Incinerators
  5. Risk of Congenital Anomalies Near Municipal Waste Incinerators in England and Scotland


What is the circular economy, and why is this important?

The circular economy is an economic model that considers waste as a resource, keeping products and materials in use to support better, repeated and more sustainable use of our resources. A circular economy has environmental and economic benefits, and is a guiding principle of the Australian Government’s National Waste Policy Action Plan 2019.

Proposal & planning for the ARC

What is Veolia proposing?

Veolia is proposing to build an Advanced Energy Recovery Centre (ARC) at the Woodlawn Eco Precinct. The ARC will take waste that cannot be recycled and turn it into energy, producing enough electricity to power more than 40,000 homes per year.


Why are you proposing to build at the Woodlawn Eco Precinct?

The ARC is the next phase in Veolia’s long-term vision for the Woodlawn Eco Precinct. Building the facility at the Eco Precinct will be an important part of Veolia’s continued investment in regional New South Wales, which is creating hundreds of jobs, driving economic growth and supporting Australia’s environmental shift towards a circular economy.
Expanding our operations to include the ARC will deliver:

  • Over $600M initial investment in regional NSW and a further $2b investment in lifetime maintenance and employment
  • Further recovery of non-recyclable waste, diverting 380,000 tonnes from landfill (enough to fill 172 Olympic swimming pools)
  • Generating 30MW energy, enough to power 40,000 homes per year
  • Further investment in community initiatives, and ongoing enhancement of the local environment
  • 300 jobs during construction and 40 jobs during operation


How much will it cost? Who is paying?

The ARC is planned to cost $600 million, which will be funded by Veolia.


Has Goulburn Mulwaree Council been zoned as a priority area for energy recovery?

The NSW Government has recognised the Southern Goulburn Mulwaree Precinct as one of four Priority Infrastructure Areas for the development of Energy from Waste facilities.  


What will the proposed facility look like?

Veolia's proposed Advanced Energy Recovery Centre (ARC) will be state-of-the-art. It is our intention to ensure the technology we deploy is best in class, and that the ARC's aesthetics are just as impressive as the technology used to recover energy!

The site design site is not finalised, however Veolia is actively considering the environment in the overall concept. This includes operational features, ensuring efficiency can be achieved without compromising the health of our planet, and an attractive design that compliments Tarago's surrounding greenspace.  We will include as much as the natural landscape in our concept as possible.

The below are artist impressions that will continue to be evolved throughout the planning process, where we will invite formal feedback from the public on our proposed facility. 

Proposed facility design
This is an artist impression of the proposed Advanced Energy Recovery Centre upon completion.
This is an artist impression of an aerial view of the site.

Amendment to the project

What is a project amendment?

An applicant can request to amend or adjust an application at any time before determining if they will change the project’s description from that provided in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Amendments can be made to improve the project’s design, respond to issues raised by the community in public submissions, or further mitigate potential impacts of the project. 


What is an Amendment Report?

An Amendment Report assesses the economic, environmental, and social impacts of the amended project to help the community, councils, government agencies, and the consenting authority gain a better understanding of the proposed amendment(s) and its impacts, and to support them in making informed decisions on the merits of the project. 

The Department of Planning, Housing & Infrastructure (DPHI) has guidelines for preparing an Amendment Report which can be found on their website, accessible here


Will this amendment be exhibited?

DPHI will decide whether the changes set out in the Amendment Report warrant public exhibition. The Amendment Report will be published on DPHI’s website. Veolia expects that a public exhibition process is likely and is committed to fully and transparently explaining all aspects of the amendment to the community. 


Will this amendment change the timeframe of the approval process?

Yes, the proposed amendment will extend the project’s approval process. As noted above, a public exhibition is likely, in which case DPHI will ask Veolia to respond to submissions made on the Amendment Report. After this, DPHI will prepare their assessment report which will be forwarded to the Independent Planning Commission who will make a decision on the development application for the project. 


When will the amendment report be ready?

We're hard at work finalising the amendment report and we aim to share it with the community around November 2024, so stay tuned for updates on our progress. Our webpage is the go-to source for all the latest information regarding the amendment report and our project progress, or you can subscribe to our mailing list to receive updates directly.


What is Veolia’s amendment to the ARC Project?

The following amendments are proposed:

  • Removal of the previously proposed Encapsulation Cell from the project;
  • Changes to the stabilisation process used to treat the APCr;
  • Relocation of the APCr stabilisation area, which will now be adjacent to the main energy-from-waste building; and
  • A contingency will also be included in the Amendment Report which provides for the transport of the stabilised APCr to an off-site facility for disposal. This will accommodate disposal of the stabilised APCr should it not meet the standards required for disposal at the Woodlawn Bioreactor landfill.


What is APCr?

Air pollution control residues (APCr) is a by-product captured by air pollution control systems from energy recovery facilities, more commonly referred to as “fly ash”. Typically, it includes a mixture of ash, carbon, and lime.


How has the treatment of APCr changed to make it safe for landfill disposal?

The ARC facility’s core operations and flue gas treatment remain unchanged. The only change is to the management of the residual material that is captured by the filtration system (APCr). Instead of using Portland cement to stabilise APCr and disposing of it in an on-site encapsulation cell, Veolia now proposes to treat APCr using new methods that will reduce its classification from ‘Hazardous’ to ‘General Solid Waste’ classification, in accordance with the EPA’s Waste Classification Guidelines. This will allow for disposal in the existing Woodlawn Bioreactor Landfill.

During the stabilisation process, a chemical reaction occurs in the material which immobilises it. All batches of stabilised APCr will be tested to determine they meet the General Solid Waste classification prior to disposal into the Woodlawn Bioreactor Landfill.


How is Veolia addressing risks?

The stabilisation process has been safely in operation at a number of facilities globally.

All potential risks identified (however unlikely) are addressed in the Risk Assessment process and recommendations to either: 

  • Eliminate the risk by removing the hazard
  • Substitute the hazard with something less dangerous
  • Redesign the process to something safer
  • Isolate the hazard from people
  • Manage the risk by the use of policies, practices, rules, signage and training
  • Protect people by the mandated use of PPE


Will the APCr need to be transported off-site after it has been processed?

As a backup option, Veolia is seeking approval for off-site transport of the stabilised APCr to another appropriately licenced waste management facility. This would only occur during periods of maintenance of the stabilisation area process and in instances if a batch cannot be stabilised to a General Solid Waste classification. 


What happens if the APCr doesn’t meet the General Solid Waste classification?

In rare instances where a batch doesn’t meet the EPA’s General Solid Waste classification, it would still be treated to a level called ‘Restricted Solid Waste’. It will then be transported to an appropriately licensed restricted solid waste disposal facility. We propose to use sealed trucks for transport, following well-regulated practices commonly used across the state for the management of this kind of material.


How will the APCr be prevented from entering the environment?

Only APCr that has been stabilised to General Solid Waste classification will be placed into the landfill. This stabilisation chemically alters the APCr, making it non-hazardous. During this process, contaminants are securely locked within the transformed material.


How will the proposed project amendment improve the long-term management of water at the Eco Precinct?

The proposed project amendment will improve long-term water management at the Eco Precinct by retaining the full capacity of the evaporation dam for operational water management, rather than using it for the APCr encapsulation cell. This helps the site to adapt to recent heavy rainfall patterns and changing environmental conditions while addressing community feedback about onsite water management concerns.

Project benefits

Will there be any new jobs for the local community?

Yes, we will employ people from the local community wherever we can. There will be 300 jobs created during construction and 40 ongoing jobs during operation. In addition to this, it is projected that 383 indirect jobs will be created through spending with local suppliers and businesses. We will also be investing in apprenticeships at the site such as boiler makers, mechanics and electricians.


How much will this project invest locally?

The economic assessment for the EIS found that the project will provide significant benefits to the regional economy during both its construction and operation.

Capital investment to build the ARC will be $600 million. A further $2 billion will be spent on operations and maintenance over the life of the project.

$227 million will be the annual boost to the regional economy from spending with local suppliers during construction (i.e. building materials, transport, catering, security). The regional economy will be supported by the spending of an estimated $45 million in local shops and businesses during operation. (i.e. pubs, hotels, restaurants, supermarkets etc). 

Overall, household incomes in the region will increase by $45 million during construction with a $7 million annual boost during operation.

You can read the full economic impact assessment in Chapter 8.15 of the EIS


How will the ARC contribute to delivering a circular economy?

The ARC will divert up to 380,000 tonnes of waste from landfill each year and in the process will recover or recycle up to 96% of the resources that would otherwise be lost. These resources include recyclable metals, non-hazardous bottom ash (stones, grit, glass and rocks) which will eventually be recycled into construction aggregate, and the generation of electricity produced by steam. 


For more information on the project's benefits, review our benefits fact sheet below:

Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

What is an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)?

The ARC project is classified as a State Significant Development, which is typically considered a development which has significance to the State of NSW based on a range of factors including size, nature, location, strategic importance, or potential impacts.
All State Significant Developments are required to complete a comprehensive assessment process, including providing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The purpose of an EIS is to assess the economic, environmental and social impacts of a project. It helps to inform the project’s various stakeholders (including community and government agencies) of its merits and potential impacts, so that they can make an informed decision with regard to the project’s progress.
As part of the planning process, the EIS is publicly exhibited so that stakeholders can review the technical assessments in detail and provide their feedback to the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE). The DPE will then complete its assessment of the proposed project based on the its merits and the feedback provided. 


Where can I view the full EIS?

The full EIS is available until Tuesday 13 December. It can be accessed digitally on the Department of Planning and Environment’s website.


Is there a shortened version of the EIS?

Yes, we recommend reading our Community Guide to the EIS for a comprehensive overview of the ARC proposal and the results from its EIS assessments.


I would like to hear from the independent experts who conducted the air quality and health assessments

Watch independent air quality and human health experts' interviews to learn more about their assessments and results here

Health & safety

Is energy recovery safe for people?

Yes, the energy from waste process is well regulated and proven to be safe. Veolia is an expert in energy from waste and has the expertise to safely deliver the technology.  Veolia owns and operates more than 65 energy recovery facilities globally and has the expertise to meet the strict environmental standards set by the NSW Environment Protection Authority.
Independent air quality and human health assessments have been completed as part of the project’s Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The results from these assessments have concluded there will be no negative impacts to air quality, human health, or the surrounding environment. The EIS is now publicly available for review on the Department of Planning and Environment website. More information on the Air Quality and Human Health assessments can be found here.


Will there be impacts to livestock or crops?

No, there won't be noticeable impacts. The independent environmental impact assessments consider local flora and fauna, and as part of this process we had to demonstrate that there is no unsafe impact. The findings of these studies  have shown there will be no negative impacts on crops or livestock, and that suppliers will not have to make changes to their produce labelling.


Is energy recovery safe for the environment?

All energy recovery facilities operate to strict environmental regulations, which ensure minimal impact on the environment. Pollution prevention control systems will be installed at the ARC with the results closely monitored by our operators and the Environment Protection Authority, to ensure that any emissions produced are within our operational licence limits. All details of these regular reports will be published on the public register.


What are the possible environmental impacts?

Studies have been conducted to determine the environmental, economic, and social impacts of the project. The results of these studies conclude that there will be no impact on the surrounding environment.


What would happen if an air pollution control device failed?

This computer network has a backup system, with extra resources available to support the main system. Any device identified as faulty will be isolated and replaced online. If the fault cannot be corrected online the shutdown process of the ARC would commence.

Air quality

How was the Air Quality Impact Assessment conducted?

Three emission scenarios were developed for which potential air quality impacts were modelled. Two of these included ‘reference case’ scenarios using real-world emission data over a 12-month period from a Veolia-owned Energy from Waste facility in Staffordshire, United Kingdom. The first scenario using the reference case examined expected emissions from the ARC under normal operating conditions, and the second represented maximum (‘worst case’) emissions from Staffordshire. The third scenario represented a ‘regulatory case’ which adopted the new emission limited as outlined in the NSW Energy from Waste Policy Statement.


What did the results show?

For all scenarios, it was found that the introduction of the ARC will not significantly change air quality conditions currently associated with the Woodlawn Eco Precinct. It was also shown that air quality impacts associated with the Eco Precinct are negligible at surrounding sensitive locations including homes, farms, and the local school.
The graph below demonstrates that the addition of the ARC will have negligible impact on current air quality, and that all emission concentrations will remain well within the safe standards as outlined by the NSW EPA.

Will the introduction of the ARC impact air quality?

If approved, the ARC will be held to a set of criteria outlined in the NSW Government’s Energy from Waste Policy Statement, which is stated to be the most stringent in the world. The facility will also be subject to independent oversight and regulation by the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) for the lifetime of its operation.
As part of the ARC’s planning the proposal underwent a number of independent assessments including an Air Quality Impact Assessment, and a Human Health Risk Assessment. The findings from both assessments reflected that there would be no significant changes to air quality, and no impact on health as a result of the introduction and operation of the Woodlawn ARC. 


I would like to hear from the independent expert who conducted the Air Quality Impact Assessment

Watch the video below to learn more about the Air Quality Impact Assessment, how it was conducted, and its results, from independent technician Scott Fishwick. 

Will there be real-time monitoring of the emissions?

Yes, real-time monitoring will be in place 24/7.


More information on the air quality assessment can be found in Chapter 8.1 of the EIS

Human health

How was the Human Health Risk Assessment conducted?

The assessment looked at the various ways people could potentially be exposed to emissions both in the short and long term, and whether or not this might impact human health. The results were calculated for all sensitive locations in the surrounding community, using guidance detailed by enHealth (2012) and NSW Chief Scientist (2020).


What did the results say?

The Human Health Risk Assessment concluded that in all scenarios in which a person may be exposed to emissions, concentrations remained well within all health guidelines and as a result there is no adverse risk to human health

The graph below shows the predicted maximum exposure to emissions from the ARC. The limit of 1 represents the maximum acceptable risk, or Hazard Index (HI). The graph shows the calculated risks are well within acceptable limits. A micro-view of the dioxins and furans level is also provided on the right.


Will water quality be affected by the project?

The Human Health assessment considered impacts to quality of water in rainwater tanks at residential and rural properties near the site. It also looked at the impact on groundwater quality and recreational water quality in Lake George and Lake Bathurst. The assessment concluded that predicted water concentrations in rainwater tanks will remain well within drinking water guidelines and will be safe to drink. It will also remain safe to source drinking water from groundwater, and the water quality of the lakes will not be affected by the project.

The graph below shows the maximum concentrations in rainwater tanks as a percentage of the Australian Water Guideline. It shows that concentrations from the ARC are well within safe drinking water limits for human health. In fact, the concentrations are predicted to be so low that they would not even be detectable using the best available analysis technology.


Will crops and livestock be affected?

The assessment looked at potential impact of air emissions from the ARC on crops and produce grown in the area. The results have shown that there would not be any measurable change in soil quality as a result of emissions, nor would the project change existing soil conditions or water quality. Farms with organic farming status would not be affected.
The consumption and sale of produce from the area was also considered, and results show that even the maximum predicted concentrations in local produce would be well below limits prescribed in Australian food standards.


I would like to hear from the independent expert who conducted the Human Health Risk Assessment

Watch the video below to learn more about the Human Health Risk Assessment, how it was conducted, and its results, from independent technician Dr Jackie Wright.


More information on the human health assessment can be found in Chapter 8.2 of the EIS


I eat fruit, vegetables, and animal products grown in my garden and locally. Will the ARC affect the quality of my food?

All kinds of food grown locally will remain safe for consumption, as detailed by the Human Health Risk Assessment (Section 8.2 of the EIS). The assessment considered the cumulative ingestion of produce such as eggs, milk, meat, fruit, and vegetables, combined with exposure to air emissions from inhalation, water consumption, and contact through recreational activities. 

Will the quality of my livestock be affected?

No, the quality of meat and animal products will not be affected by the ARC’s operation. The Human Health Risk Assessment found that there would be no impact to livestock or their products as a result of the ARC, and that they will remain well below the limits set by the Food Standards Code for Australia. More information on the Human Health Risk Assessment can be found in Section 8.2 of the EIS

Will soil or crop quality be impacted?

No. The Human Health Risk Assessment found that “emissions from the project would not result in any measurable change in soil quality in the area. Hence the project would not change existing conditions or result in impacts on crops grown on farms with organic farming status.” (Section 8.2.3.a of the EIS)

Will I maintain my organic farming status?

Organic farming status will not be affected by the addition of the ARC, and farmers will continue to be able to label their products as organically grown. 

Energy from Waste technology

How does energy recovery work?

Energy recovery from waste (or 'Energy from Waste') works similarly to conventional coal or gas combustion, where steam is produced from the heat and is then used to run a turbine which generates electricity. Instead of using fossil fuels, Energy from Waste technology has been adapted and updated to use non-recyclable waste materials. Three tonnes of waste replaces one tonne of coal and is 50% biomass, delivering a low-carbon energy solution whilst reducing the need for landfill. 

For more information, download our Energy from Waste fact sheet, or watch our 'How does Energy from Waste work?' video below. 


How does energy recovery differ from incineration?

There is a big difference between incineration and an energy recovery facility. Incineration is the process of burning waste without controls, whereas an energy recovery facility is a state of the art facility in which the residual waste is combusted and then maximises that process in a highly controlled environment. An additional element is the recovery of energy through the combustion process, in addition to the flue gas process which is critical to answer the question of how we are different to an incinerator.


Who else is using this technology?

Energy from waste technology is being used safely in many countries around the world, with over 450 facilities operating in Europe alone. Veolia owns and operates more than 65 energy recovery facilities globally, and has also been chosen to operate Australia’s first two facilities: Kwinana and East Rockingham, both of which are currently under construction in Western Australia.


What other outputs will there be, and how will they be managed?

In addition to the energy produced, three other materials are recovered during the process:

  1. Bottom ash. Non-combustible material such as stones, grit, glass and rocks, can be recycled as aggregates for use in the construction industry;
  2. Air pollution control residues. Fine dust is filtered, captured and managed on site; and
  3. Ferrous and non-ferrous metals will be recovered from the bottom ash and recycled into new items.

Facility construction

When will the ARC be built?

If approved, construction of the project is expected to be undertaken over a period of about three years, starting around late 2023.


What will the facility look like?

Veolia has taken into account a range of considerations for the facility’s design, including integrating the appearance into the surrounding natural landscape to limit visual impact, using sustainable materials, and using its form and orientation to capitalise on natural heating and cooling variations in the environment.
The ARC will be partially obscured from outside the site’s boundary with the aid of tree cover and the natural landform. The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has concluded that the ARC’s introduction would have no significant visual impact on the existing landscape. More information can be found in Appendix BB of the EIS, available on the Department of Planning and Environment website.


Where on the site will the facility be located, and how large will it be?

The ARC will be located in an area of the old mine that requires remediation.  Installing the new facility will help remediate a former mining site and help return the land to valuable use.  The site for the ARC will be approximately six hectares. More information on the ARC's design can be found in Chapter 4 of the EIS.

Facility operations

How long will the ARC operate for?

The ARC will be in operation for 25 years.


How much waste will the ARC process?

The ARC will be able to process up to 380,000 tonnes per year (which is equal to 172 Olympic swimming pools).


Will tonnages be increased?

Veolia will not need to apply for an increase to its existing waste capacity approval to operate the facility. If an increase to waste volumes is needed in the future, we would be required to apply for an amendment to our existing waste operation consent. At that time we would be required to assess all the impacts afresh and carry out consultation with the community about any such changes.


What type of waste will the ARC process?

The ARC will manage only household waste, the same as what we currently process at the bioreactor. If the wrong items are disposed of, we will endeavour to remove them at the transfer station prior to transfer to the ARC.


How much energy will the ARC produce?

The ARC will generate an additional 30MW of renewable low-carbon energy, which is enough to power 40,000 homes. This will help to take pressure off the grid and compliment the nation’s low-carbon focus.


Will the doors to the site remain closed when they are not being used?

The doors will be automated and only open when the trucks are located near the entry into the tipping hall.


How will Veolia manage groundwater usage at the ARC?

Veolia has access to a groundwater bore and holds a groundwater extraction licence for its current operations at the Woodlawn Eco Precinct. Water usage for the proposed ARC project will be managed within these existing licence approvals.


What are the proposed operational hours for the ARC?

The ARC will maintain the same waste delivery hours as the existing Woodlawn Eco Precinct, with waste receivable between 6am to 10pm, Monday to Saturday.
Operationally, energy recovery facilities operate just like a power station, 24/7. You are only required to shut them down during the planned routine maintenance shutdown.


How would the waste be delivered to the ARC?

Our current method of waste transportation to the Woodlawn Eco Precinct will not change. Veolia will use rail to transport the waste to Crisps Creek IMF, which is then transported the short distance to site via trucks.


Will there be any additional rail or truck movements?

The number of rail and truck movements permitted at the Woodlawn site is based on the annual waste input rate. The new facility will not require any increase to the approved annual input rate. There will be some minor additional traffic movements associated with the project during operation, such as employee access and delivery of materials, but with no significant impact on the local road network. 


Will you be upgrading the intermodal at Crisps Creek?

There is no immediate need to make any changes to the Crisps Creek rail intermodal facility (IMF); however, we will continue to regularly review this.


You can read more about how traffic and transport will be managed for the project in Chapter 8.5 of the EIS.


Will the ARC produce odour?

The ARC process will not produce odour.
Residual waste delivered to the ARC will be managed and treated inside a fully enclosed facility, unlike the existing open-cut bioreactor landfill site. The waste that is delivered to site will also be immediately loaded for processing. This will help to contain and manage odour from new wastes.


What are you doing to solve the current odour issue?

An odour management plan is being implemented to include both minor and major activities. The Woodlawn ARC would not produce an additional source of odour from the Eco Precinct site. Upcoming odour reduction works involve:

  1. Reducing the active tipping face surface area to reduce potential for odour emissions. We also cover the waste area with soil on a daily basis to help reduce odour.
  2. Optimisation of the biofiltration system, which filters the landfill gas that escapes through the rock wall/waste interface.This will reduce the odorous compounds. 
  3. Maintaining evaporation of stored treated leachate on site through installation of additional evaporation units.
  4. Installation of a hydrogen sulphide sensor and meteorological station in Tarago. Data will be correlated against instances of odour. 

You can read more about our existing operation by visiting the Woodlawn Eco Precinct page.

Community engagement

What engagement activities were undertaken prior to the EIS?

Veolia has had ongoing engagement with the local community around Woodlawn for over 20 years and prides itself on being a valuable contributor to the area. Veolia organised a wide range of community events and engagement activities throughout the planning process of the ARC and during preparation of the EIS, including stakeholder consultations, community information sessions, media coverage, distribution of community newsletters, and receiving and responding to community feedback. An overview of these activities can be found on page 24 of the Community Guide to the EIS by following the button below, or in Chapter 7 of the EIS


Who do I contact if I have more questions?

Further information on the project can be found at
If you have questions, please contact our team on the project information line 1800 313 096 or email us at [email protected]. You can also write to us at PO Box 171, Granville NSW 1830 (responses may take up to a few weeks to process).