Veolia Wins Sixth Consecutive Australian Business Award

The vast majority of businesses within Australia cannot function without a basic supply of energy and water; and this necessity comes at both a financial and environmental cost. Whilst regulatory changes, a greater focus on renewable energy and water reuse, teamed with a behavioural shift through continued education all help to alleviate this pressure, Veolia has integrated it’s water, waste and energy solutions to assist businesses to measure and manage their environmental pulse, and in doing so have won two major national awards.

For the sixth year running, Veolia has won a prestigious Australian Business Award (ABA) which recognises organisations that have made a significant contribution through effective products, processes or ideas that result in environmental or social improvements. This year, Veolia was awarded both the ABA for Innovation, and the ABA for Sustainability.

These accolades recognise two technical deliveries developed by Veolia and delivered to the Australian market in late 2014, namely Veolia’s Energy Service Centre and secondly, Veolia’s smart metering water assets.

Both solutions are complementary in their benefit, that is, to help Australian businesses understand their energy and water networks, to assess in real-time how well that network is performing, and lastly, to immediately remediate loss of efficiency which results in increased costs/usage.

According to Managing Director Doug Dean AM, through its utilisation of meter management and remote data analysis, Veolia is delivering transparency and actionable improvements by tracking energy and water performance throughout their client’s entire business.

“The production and supply of water and energy pose a number of complex issues for government, industry and importantly end-users. The necessity for these basic elements comes at a cost with pressures to supply only easing through education and behavioural change.  Veolia can provide unique solutions that address these challenges within the energy and water cycle. Our systems help address regulatory requirements, minimise wastage and ensure accuracy, further closing the loop where possible. The energy service centre and smart water network are great examples of innovation and sustainability at its very best, and Veolia is proud to have been recognised for these achievements.”