Energy Invoicing & Reporting

Veolia is committed to comprehensive reporting to ensure clients meet their strategic goals. We strive to align our reporting regime to your business needs and are prepared to work with the specific client to ensure that we are always delivering valuable information.

What reports are generally included as part of Veolia’s energy service delivery model?

Generally our client reporting includes:

  • monthly reports cover OHS metrics and requirements, preventative maintenance, reactive maintenance, capital works, outstanding quotes and approvals
  • quarterly reports cover as above and also include biennial due diligence assessment on each property, annual certification, capital works summary and results summary.

In addition, we believe regular and efficient communication is critical to providing a quality service. Typical information provided to our clients on a regular basis includes:

  • History of expenditure by month (for trend analysis)
  • Actual versus plan and variance by category (per month and cumulative)

Our experience indicates that each organisation has its own reporting requirements driven by business needs.

The development of an agreed reporting format that incorporates an approved accounting process ensures the integrity of information provided not only adds value to our clients business, but also adds value to their business relationships.

Our reports are customised to our clients and their relevant business unit needs, whilst providing information on changing business needs and service initiatives.  

What types of invoices can we offer as part of Veolia’s energy service delivery model?

In addition to the invoices we issues for our services, we can offer the following through our energy consumption and billing management tool, Hubgrade:

  • Tenant billing - produces invoices for client’s tenants
  • Billing verification – verifies real energy consumption vs. what the provider is saying the client is spending.

Want to learn more about Veolia’s energy invoicing and reporting practices?

In Australia
If you wish to speak to someone, please submit an online enquiry to our customer service team or call us at 1800 531 988.

In New Zealand
If you wish to speak to someone, please submit an online enquiry to our customer service team or call us at 0800 325 542.