The challenge
The Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District (ISLHD) extends about 250 km along the coastal strip of NSW, servicing a population of more than 400,000 residents with a workforce of more than 7,300 employees across 8 hospital sites and community health services.
The client’s objectives were to find solutions to reduce operational costs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and provide energy and water usage at the 3 main base hospitals, namely Wollongong Hospital , Shoalhaven Hospital and Shoalhaven Cancer Care Centre Optimising energy performance within health precincts is challenging due to both the complex and sensitive nature of operations, combined with extensive, energy intensive requirements.
Veolia's Solution
Veolia was selected to provide Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) services to the Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District (ISLHD), after a successful Detailed Facility Study (DFS) project, which commenced in November 2015 and was completed by April 2017.
In order to rethink NSW Health’s energy requirements for three major hospitals and develop a tailored, comprehensive solution, Veolia undertook long-term asset master planning to identify where significant water, waste and energy efficiency improvements could be delivered across three large-scale health facilities.
Key considerations also include:
- Peak demand management for optimised energy consumption
- Mechanical equipment upgrades for the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)systems
- Investigating options for renewable energy utilisation in order to enhance reliability, safety, comfort and productivity
- Implementation of Hubgrade, Veolia’s Energy Management System to provide continuous monitoring of the upgraded equipment performance
Delivering innovation
Although Veolia has successfully completed several EPC’s for Australian hospitals and medical institutions, on this occassion Veolia has delivered solar photovoltaic (PV) across all sites and LED lighting solutions for large-scale health facilities with 3500 light fillings for indoor, outdoor and street lightings. The project requires a significant level of operational expertise and a highly sophisticated project delivery with core emphasis on the extensive HVAC upgrade to ensure no operational downtime or service disruption for the health service. Other energy efficient upgrade includes pan sanitizers and replacing them with more energy and water efficient model.
Benefits to our client
Wollongong Hospital, Shoalhaven District Memorial Hospital and Shoalhaven Cancer Care Centre will benefit from investment in resilient and cost-effective solutions capable of adapting to regulatory, technology and climate changes. Additionally, the sites will leverage new innovations, such as solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, lighting replacement and state-of-the art design of the HVAC facilities.