COMMERCIAL WASTE - Department of Defence

Veolia will directly support the Department of Defence’s strategic environmental objectives including sustainable environmental management, resource efficiency and pollution prevention.
The department of Defence

In October 2014, Veolia signed a six-year agreement with the Commonwealth of Australia, represented by the Department of Defence for a total waste management solution.

As a critical function of the Australian Government, the Department of Defence is responsible for defending Australia against armed attack. The Defence portfolio consists of a number of component organisations that together are responsible for supporting the defence of Australia and its national interests. Defence organisations include the Royal Australian Navy, the Army and the Royal Australian Air Force. In October 2014, Veolia signed a six-year agreement with the Commonwealth of Australia, represented by the Department of Defence for a total waste management solution.

The contract awarded to Veolia will directly support the Department of Defence’s strategic environmental objectives including sustainable environmental management, resource efficiency and pollution prevention.

During mobilisation of this contract 8,000 waste receptacles were issued to 377 Department of Defence sites. To service the supplied receptacles 11 dedicated waste collection vehicles were added to Veolia’s existing fleet. In addition to 10,000's of tonnes of waste, the Department of Defence can now ensure the sustainable disposal of more than 40,000 used vehicle tyres each year from their expansive fleet of more than 6,000 light, medium and heavy vehicles.

Veolia is committed to working closely with local communities who are located near project locations and facilities to deliver regional employment. To do enable this Veolia will be actively engaged with local suppliers, potential employees and contractors. Importantly, this project will provide ongoing support for Veolia’s Reconciliation Action Plan which is aiming towards an Indigenous Australian employment target of 2.5% within their workforce over the next five years.

With its vast operational presence across Australia, including many remote and regional areas, coupled with a focus on sustainable waste management, Veolia is helping the Department of Defence minimise its waste-related environmental impact through proven management processes and innovative waste treatment technologies. 

  • Total waste management solutions
  • Hazardous waste management
  • Facilities & contractor management
  • Solid waste collection
  • Recycling and resource recovery (paper, cardboard, glass, mixed plastics, aluminium and other metals)
  • Medical and sanitary waste collection
  • Liquid and hazardous waste disposal
  • Security document destruction
  • Aviation waste fuel recycling and reuse
  • Servicing multi-country joint force exercises in Northern Australia including remote areas.
  • Tyre recycling initiatives in accordance with Tyre Stewardship Australia for entire vehicle fleet

8,000 waste bins and 11 vehicles deployed

Waste management across 377 locations

40,000 tyres sustainably disposed of annually