Veolia has produced a Community Guide to the EIS, which is a short and simple overview of the ARC's Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
The Community Guide to the EIS is designed to provide an easy-to-understand summary of the main findings from the EIS, along with information on how to make a submission to the Department of Planning and Environment.
You can view the Community Guide below. If you would like to view the full EIS, you can visit the Department of Planning and Environment website.
A range of project factsheets has also been developed to cover the topics the community has shown great interest in. Visit our Project Factsheets page to read further.
If you would like to register your interest in attending an event, or would like to talk to one of our team about the public exhibition, please get in touch:
Email [email protected]
Write to PO Box 171 Granville NSW 1830
Call 1800 313 096